martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

The Bermuda Trianglen

We've all heard about the Bermuda Trianglen, an area in the Caribbean Sea where planes and ships supposedly get captured by unknown forces.

it has attributed various disapperances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. One of the most famous mysteries of the Bermuda Trianglen is the case of  
 Flight 19, five military airplanes took off on a training mission that would fly over the gulf of Florida, but they got lost, the flight was leaded by Charles Taylor, who was an experienced pilot,he leave a strange message, and it was picked out by Robert cox, who was the ground-based flight instructor, He  could heard 'I don't know where we was said by one of the captains, Edward Powers, another strange message was taken and After that, there was radio silence. The five planes of Flight 19 had dissappeared without trance and were never seen again.
What exactly had happened?
Some people think that the crew of Flight 19 had been abducted by aliens.
Who kwons?  Do you have you own theory?let me know 

1 comentario:

  1. I have heard many stories about the bermuda triangle but this is the weirdest, for many people all is only a coincidence but for me there exists any special energy that changes the information received of the airplanes.
